Sunday, 28 February 2010
28.02 you tell me
Leave a comment with a post you'd like to see on adaisychaindream and I will pick and choose several to do this week.
Any I don't use this week will be stored for future posting, as I often wonder if I vary things up enough here.
I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend
Saturday, 27 February 2010
I forgot I had these harem trousers but I found them the other day when I was having a tidy out I really want a smart black pair I do like these ones especially the ties around the bottom of the leg but they are in a soft jersey and a tailored pair would give a smarter look. My ASOS parcel arrived this morning I brought a couple of rings the other day a snake one and a tigers head. Hope you are all having a lovely weekend and thank you all for your comments xoxo
Friday, 26 February 2010
Sunshine on a Windy Day
The sun was shining today and through the window it looked like spring but when I went out it was cold so not the best outfit for today I just cant wait to start wearing lighter clothes. I did get to wear my aviators too and for more than 10 minutes. I had a bit of a spend today I brought some silver jewellery to go with my cross all from H&M I will show you soon. I also picked up the new H&M mag I love their magazines and there are some fabulous bits that I cant wait to buy my favorite was a striped jersey maxi dress for £12.99 I just hope we get it at my local H&M.
26.02 friday feeling
The weather here can't make up its mind and we seem to have a rainy, cold day followed by a super sunny one (like today). That means yesterday was foul and cold and dark, and so my outfit was purely comfortable; all style went out of the window, I'm only blogging to shame myself!
Today I feel much brighter and couldn't resist wearing my second pair of £1 tights, I'm so bad, I went and picked up duplicates in each colour yesterday as I love them so much, as well as the ring pictured below; also £1!
By popular (seemingly really popular!) demand, here is the recipe I used for my muffins...
Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
I had intended to use a recipe shared by a friend but realised it required oil, which I didn't have!
I'm not sure how much I'll be posting outfits next week, if at all, as my Dad has the week off work and it is far more awkward to get photos, but I'll still be blogging and might find a way to get some pics in my's been moved around so my old photo taking spot is gone!
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Hastings House

I didn't know exactly what to think when I first saw this home in Living Etc. I could never get away with so many colors in my house , but somehow it works perfectly in this home. I especially love the pink in the kitchen and pale lavender in the bathroom. The owners, Blair and Anna, completely renovated this entire house, even going as far as sanding down all the wood floors to their original state.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Those Trousers Again
Yesterday was cold and snowy so not much went out. Outfit was literally a case of grabbing whatever was clean and hoping for the best.
Today much the same, no real thought went in to this as you can tell. The tights are new, I picked up this pair and a teal pair for £1 each in Ethel Austin on my brief trip out yesterday.
I've stopped counting how many pairs of tights I own now, it's getting ridiculous. I'll be needing rehab soon.
This week I've baked lemon and poppyseed muffins at my Mum's request. I used silicon cases in a mix of sizes, and we now have about 40 muffins to be eaten!
I'm pretty sure they wont be hanging around long, they smell incredible. There really is nothing like the smell of fresh baked goods in the house.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
Salty Hair
Skirt H&M, Leggings H&M, Parka International, Shoes Boo Hoo, Belt Kookai, Necklace Warehouse
I don't normally talk about beauty products and stuff even though I use a hell of a lot but I have to tell you about this hair product which was actually free with the London Fashion Week bag it is called Salt of Mine Wet'n Dry Saltwater Spray by Gosh I turned my head upside down and sprayed a small amount on the roots and the volume was amazing and lasted all day.

22.02 grey monday
Remind me to book a ticket to Australia for next Winter, I am so beyond finding this amusing now!
Happy Monday, I hope it is brighter where you are xxx