Friday, 30 April 2010
There's nothing better than blog browsing on the weekends, don't you find? And today, I've been over at Pam from Red Tickings blog. Pam has such a lovely style - I think she may be a kindred spirit - even though we've never met I'm sure we would get along like a house on fire... Chat, chat, chatting over a cup of tea and about all things decorative. Kind of like decorative sisterhood... I feel the same way away all you gals out there in blog land - it's a lovely thing to be able to share our life and loves with like-minded people (and non like-minded people at that!). Anyhoo, I digress...
I love this pic from Pam at Red Tickings blog - one day when I grow up - I'd love a walled vege garden just like this one. So organized, so beautiful - like a fairy tale... Thanks for sharing Pam...
There is more to life than shoes
Silver Brouge Kesslord, High Ankle Strap Melissa, Black Patent Jazz Shoe
Happy Face Peep Toe Lollipops, Moccasin Geox, Pump Buffalo
I found a great selection on the Spartoo website and I really am into those Melissa ankle strap ones these will make any outfit funky and indivdual. The lace up jazz shoe has to be my favorite flat style as these look great with skirts and trousers and I would imagine these would be ultra comfortable. How cute are the Lollipop cheeky face peep toes I thought these were a great summer happy flirty little shoe and would put a smile on your face everytime you wore them.
So my conclusion is that there are some great flatties out there and shoe crime should not really be happening and no mum there is not more to life than a pair of shoes if you are a hardcore fahionista.
Bloomingville Beautiful...
I can't resist posting these pics from Bloomingville - they remind me to sit back, relax and enjoy the weekend.
Happy Weekend all...
Have a lovely weekend one and all. I embarking upon the weekend with optimism and the hope that one day my garden will be filled with lovely flowers like this one that I took in Bali with my new camera - a Canon G11 - a heavenly contraption that makes all of my photographs look professional!
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Shop the Spring trend - Ikat print
Ikat prints are really bright and eye-catching and very boho chic. Just adding a single piece like scarf can energize ur outfit. I am really looking forward to wearing Ikat in silk with accessories minimal so that the print is the focal point. You can also mix and match the prints - I would keep them in the same color palette and the print size small. Depending on the size/color, Ikat can also be paired with edgy rock accessories.... Go Ikat:-)
L to R : endless ($75.90), Rachel Roy($28), endless ($98)
For more accessories, please look at my stylefeed..
photo credits:,,,,,,
This week has been one of those crazy chaotic weeks and I'm not complaining because it has been quite wonderful when you take out the fact I have a doctors appointment at 8:30 this morning and I'm wondering why on earth I agreed to such an un-friendly time!
Please do accept my extended (and probably needless) apologies for not having commented on your blogs this week...Sunday I will finally have the chance to sit down and do so...I'm not used to being this busy for several days in a row...tomorrow I'm hopefully going shopping with Mum to spend some birthday money! We did shopping round one on Wednesday and it's left me with the bug!
And on the birthday subject...seriously guys, thank you for the lovely wishes. Each and every one was appreciated. Am I overly soppy, yes? But I honestly held no expectations for this year and was for once in my life happy to be proved wrong.
I thought I'd share with you a few of my main gifts. It would be impossible to post them all as I was spoiled rotten by friends and family with gorgeous trinkets that you will no doubt see in up-coming posts! There are some pretty awesome pairs of tights to be modelled, and jewellery galore!
This suitcase was from my parents. An odd choice of gift perhaps? Not when you know you have a hospital admission looming..and plans for travelling and visiting friends once you've got yourself back on track!
They were also kind enough to gift me with money, to spoil myself, as well as my much coveted eyeshadows from the MAC give me liberty range <3
My grandparents are the most generous people I know. From them I recieved this Moomin wallet (remember them?!) and the locket you see in the second photo from Me and Zena
The silver bracelet I bought myself on the shopping spree!
My best friend/sister Trudi knows me too damn well and solved my dilemna of which Alice in Wonderland OPI polish to buy, I can't wait to rock these, maybe all at once?!
[and now everyone will realise what a spoiled brat I am!]
No birthday outfit photo, I totally forgot to take any photos, but here's what I wore yesterday!
And before I go start getting myself sorted for my early start, the most important part of this post is...
The Winner of the Karma Cards Giveaway!
Congratulations Vicki!
I will be in touch shortly.
Back to regular blogging and commenting on Sunday...see you then!
Style of a Fashionista to Aisle 2
Dress Topshop, Cardigan Topshop, Shoes Spartoo, Necklace Ebay
I ordered two pairs of shoes from Spartoo on Friday and they arrived yesterday so I thought I would test drive a pair today. I went with these ones by Buffalo check them out here. I think Spartoo is a great shoe website as they stock a wide range of makes and styles I found them a while ago and this is the first time I have used them the delivery was free they it said it would take up to six days but they arrived a lot quicker than that. I have swapped tights for OTK socks they seem to be a good alternative.
I want to thank you guys for all your lovely comments and emails your support was such a comfort for me. I never wanted to post anything negative but it seemed appropriate as I talk about outfits and fashion.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Fashion Faceoff - Classic Khakis
Where: AND Shop for change event
Gul and Guest, both wore Khaki dresses to the event. I liked the Guest's dress better; she also paired it with really cute shoes..
photo credits:
What A Thrill...
I'm constantly inspired by the extraordinary people who live in Bali - there is an enormous collection of talent to be found hiding up in there in those hills. And Marcello and Michela from Gaya Ceramics are no exception. I was thrilled to meet with this gorgeous Italian couple who made their way from Italy 9 years ago to set up the Gaya Ceramic factory and design room. Now, you all know how much I love my ceramics - and so to spend time with the designers who create works for none other than Casa Armani, Donna Karan and my idol, Paola Navone was a treat but moreover a complete inspiration. If you do make it to the hills up around Ubud then it's definately worth taking a trip to Gaya (the art gallery, ceramic space and gelato bar!!!). Thank you M & M for your hospitality and generosity - I'll be back!
The pic above is of Michela (Michi) - and the wonderful animation you see in her face is reflected in her beautiful designs and creations...
Another Year

[photo from weheartit]
I just wanted to post with a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has wished me a Happy Birthday today.
This year especially, it means a lot to have so many people care and be kind when truly I did not feel like celebrating.
So thank you, for helping me put aside everything else and enjoy the day (though it's not over yet)
I've got a really hectic few days coming up, I will try and post on Friday and will catch up fully with blog comments when I get some time to breathe on Sunday...I don't want anyone to feel neglected!
Don't forget to enter the Karma Cards giveaway if you haven't already, it ends tomorrow! The winner will be selected and announced on Friday's post.Comments disabled as this is all about me.
The Colours Of Bali...
I've had a wonderful week - spent up in Bali on a week of work with a little 'health' thrown in for good measure. I spent the week, with my colleague Sophie (those of you who came to the March 12 workshop will remember her as our photographer) - sourcing some wonderful things for upcoming interiors and for a few secret projects to be revealed in the not so distant future. Bali is such a lovely place - full of colour and life but also humility and balance. And the Balinese are a joy to be around - particularly in times of trouble (like when this 41 year old Byron Bay girl, pretending to be much younger and far more carefree, had a teensy accident on her old vespa!!!) Here are some pics of the colours of Bali - to inspire peace and joy...
Are you heading to Bali? Here's a little list of must-do places to go in Ubud...
Indus - Owned by the talented and extraordinary Janet De Neefe (author of Fragrant Rice) - can't be beaten for the stupendous views of the Ubud rice paddies and great menu...
Sari Organic - The most divine restaurant - situated a 10-minute walk through the rice paddies in a beautiful organic garden..
Little Kafe - A part of the Yoga Barn - a temple of yogic joy - Little Kafe serves a mean espresso. Perfectly consumed with a 'Blood Cleaner' juicy concoction...
Gaya Gelato - Out of Ubud, but only a Vespa ride away, Italians Massimo and Colette create gelato heaven at their beautiful tropical gelateria. Not to be missed...
Body Works - An institution in Ubud - the ideal place to be massaged and cured of all your ails. Ask for Ketut...
The dog ate my shirt..
Where : At Miss Universe event - I am she
This could have been a cool Annie Hall look if she had just skipped that thingie around her neck!!
photo credits:
Fashion Faceoff
Where: 'Kitsch' couture show
photo credits:,
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Looks of the day
Where: (L) Aza's unveiling of new collection, (R) At her own launch of 'Kitsch' boutique
This is how I would do day/night if I had her bank balance.. At least she wore the same Christian Louboutin:-) I love the way her jeans are torn at the hem- so unexpected.. The dress on the right is from Lanvin, Spring 2010
Where: Aza's unveiling of new collection
I think one of my blogger friends, Tanvii, is going to love this print as she is sooo into Paisley:-) Another dress that I would buy in a heartbeat along with the belt if not for the hemline.. The handkerchief hemline completely spoils it for me:-(
Rani is one of the top criminal lawyers in India..
Where: Aza's unveiling of new collection
photo credits:,
Island Luxe at the Workshop....
It's just over a week to go before I host my second 'How To Decorate' workshop up here at The Little Cottage - my studio workshop in beautiful Bangalow. I'm so excited to be meeting all of the participants - it promises to be a fantastic day of decorating...
I'm particularly thrilled because Island Luxe - the most gorgeously divine store right here in Bangalow (I know some of you March workshop girls know it well!!!) - have offered a special surprise gift to all of the May 8th workshop participants. If you know Island Luxe, then you're fully aware of what a wonderful thing this is - but if you don't then the pics above should give you a hint as to how lucky I feel that they have supported the workshops in this way. Thank you Helen and Sam...
I have two places left in the May 8th workshop. If you're interested in booking a place, and spending the weekend in beautiful Bangalow, then send me an email to register your interest - for both the workshop and the Island Luxe gift pack. Hope to see you there...
Island Luxe - 62 Byron Street, Bangalow 02 66871605
p.s - how bout the white wicker chairs in the top pic! Heaven...
Who are your Icons ??