don't you just love those first signs of Spring? They fill me with hope!
Got some colour going on for Yesterday's outfit in honour of the burning yellow ball in the sky.
Do I look tired and haggard?
Necklace says yes!
Fairly chilled out day, amongst the invasions of four 20 something males taking over the house. They are a nice, if somewhat...quirky bunch of guys and super talented.
Today is going to be all about chilling out, I think. I've a fairly busy week ahead, so I shall just potter about and go and see my Grandparents.
((the money spending continues..I bought *gasp* trousers!))
(((this is the best stuff EVER)))
trust me.
Anddddd, last but most certainly not least
Thanks to everyone who took part in my giveaway, I love holding them so look out for more soon!
The winners are
MARIA for the main UK prize
and Blue Eyed Night Owl will receive some edible goodies as my overseas winner.
Happy Sunday All xxx
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