Friday 1 April 2011

Are you Bling or Ming?

A while ago the lovely Deana at Sourz contacted to let me know they were launching a new facebook application called "Bling or Ming"?
Please let it be known I am not usually a fan of either of these words...but said rapidly together they are quite good fun, and the application is light hearted and fun! I've been following it's progress over the last few weeks, and finally it has arrived!

Here's the all important details:

Okay Fashionistas. Want to win a £50 shopping voucher just for showing off your outfits?

Head to the Sourz Bling or Ming Facebook Application now

Entering is simple, just upload 2 photos of yourself in 2 different outfits to their Bling or Ming application. The Sourz community will vote on which outfit they prefer. And you can vote on other people's outfits too! So get your stylist hat on :)

They're going to be giving away one £50 shopping voucher PER WEEK for 6 WEEKS, so you have loads of chances to win!

You can enter the Competition here

I promise you this is not some blogger version of Take me Out (although that could be good fun, too).
At some point you might see my face pop up on the app
and I'll be looking out for yours, too!

What do you think? £50 to shop with guilt free sounds pretty good right now!


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