Sunday 24 April 2011

Linnocent’s sentenced to 120 days in jail

Lindsay pled not guilty to the misdemeanor charge. BUT -she doesn’t have to go jail now, first she gets her crack trial. The pretrial date is May 11th, and the trial date is June 3rd, and the trial verdict will set the penalty for both the theft charge and the probation violation.By the way, Hollywood Life has all kinds of interesting little side notes and tangents about Linnocent’s behavior during the hearing. Here are some interesting parts:
Lindsay Lohan is in court today for her felony grand theft trial over her alleged theft of a $2500 necklace. Unfortunately, a preliminary hearing for a felony is still not enough to keep Lindsay somber. She’s been laughing and texting while in court all morning!Lindsay walked into court this morning and immediately asked to go to the bathroom. Once the trial started, our eyewitness tells us Lindsay was constantly texting on her phone. She even laughed at her own lawyer when Shawn Holley mistakenly asked the court transcriber rather than the judge to repeat a question. She laughed again when the defense attorney called her witnesses up to the stand, giggling at the store owner.She has been repeatedly looking at her phone all morning, picking at her nails and sometimes whispering into Shawn’s ear when she disagrees with the witness testimony.Lindsay Lohan isn’t the only one acting inappropriately at her felony grand theft court case today, her lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley has been creating quite the stir! During the first half of the preliminary hearing today in Los Angeles, the D.A. called Kamofie & Co. store owner Sofia Kaman to the stand as well as a store employee, Tinelli Comsooksri, who was there the day Lindsay allegedly stole the necklace. When Shawn Holley started cross-examining owner Sofia Kaman, she kept harping on Lindsay’s cleavage!“When she wasn’t on her phone, Lindsay jotted down a few notes while Sofia took the stand. Sofia explained the store did not receive any money from the supposed $25,000 sale of the surveillance tape. She also expressed her belief that Lindsay’s friend Patrick acted as a decoy while the duo were shopping,” explains our spy.“Judge Stephanie Sautner had her eyes locked on Lindsay during Shawn’s cross examination.
When Shawn asked why the store had security cameras the owner responded ‘Because of theft,’ and Lindsay looked surprised when everybody in the courtroom laughed. But then, things got a little odd.”
How so?
“Shawn kept grilling the owner different ways about whether or not she was looking at Lindsay’s breasts, since Lindsay was wearing a low-cut top. The witness insisted she never looked at Lindsay’s cleavage. Shawn was trying to make the point that if you saw her breasts, you saw her necklace, which means Lindsay was allowed to take it and didn’t steal it. At one point the witness started arguing with Shawn, and she looked very unprepared.”So how did Lindsay feel about this line of questioning? “She looked very uncomfortable while they were talking about her breasts. Shortly after they broke for lunch and Lindsay was escorted by eight security guards to go to the bathroom. She then ordered chinese food and went to the bathroom again, where she ran into her father Michael and they had a cordial chat.”

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