And so we come to the end of another year. Am I sorry to say goodbye to 2010? No. Not in the slightest.
For me the year has been somewhat surreal, spending four months of it in hospital and changing more than I ever thought possible (both physically and mentally). I'm lucky, and oh so thankful to be here now, to wave goodbye to 2010 and beckon in a fresh start.
What this year has taught me:
- My friends and family really are the best. Massive thanks to them for sticking by me, I couldn't have done it without them.
- The kindess of strangers can be truly overwhelming. The support I recieved from fellow bloggers blew me away. Every e-mail, comment, text, letter, parcel (and in a couple of cases, visits) was, and always will be treasured.
Thank you. ALL of you.
- I am stronger and more capable than I ever realised.
- Life is not defined by numbers. Weighing X vs Y vs Z doesn't actually change what you feel in your head.
- My tights obsession knows no bounds.
- Red hair is FUN.
- There are some truly inspiring people in the world. And new friends are as valueable as old (this one's a shout out to the girls I met on the unit, I love you ALL...)
- Flash just gets cuter by the year.

I know I sound sappy and sentimental, but to everyone who reads and supports adaisychaindream,
who has provided an oppurtunity to try and wear things I otherwise wouldn't be able to,
who's left sweet comments, sound advice and general randomness,
Thank YOU.
Lets make 2011 count.
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