Today is the day where I finalise my resolutions, go pottering and generally try not to dwell of the year that wasn't.
The snow we had on the ground has long gone, replaced with mist and dreary grey skies,
so I counteracted that with a bright outfit!
I love this dress, it was given to me by a friend and it always makes me happy. The different coloured spots means it lends itself well to many a colour tights, but green remains my favourite.
You can also better see the cardigan I bought on boxing day. I have lived in this since. I'm tempted to go back for the cream one too, though me and cream is just a disaster waiting to happen!
My only other sales buy so far is a gorgeous leopard print skirt from River Island which I plan to wear very soon!
Tomorrow = a look back at the year
Saturday = a lie in, and a resolutions post.
Are you ready to embrace 2011? What's been your high and low point of 2010?
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