Monday, 21 February 2011

What I Wore (weekend edition)

Happy Monday guys,
second post today (check below for the important one!)
Here's a quick round-up of what I wore over the weekend, sub-standard photos and all!


A Primark dress purchased when I went on my shopping trip with Mum and semi-forgotten about. Our house is warm, hence the lack of layers, when I went out a cardigan and jacket was added!
This dress will no doubt be everywhere in a few weeks but I couldn't resist the sweet print.




Oh hey there no makeup (= tired face). I love how the dress is longer at the back than the front.


Like I said yesterday, I wore nothing of interest, just some old re-found river island jeans that would be perfect if they were a couple of inches longer. And a tee given to me by a friend.
Ohh and Go Go Philip Necklace.



I hate my thighs, hence the utterly random pose and my usual distaste for trousers!

What does your weekend style look like?

((there may be a lack of outfit posts this week, shame eh?! dad's off work and looks at me like I've grown two heads when I try and do anything blog photo related...upside...we're hitting up Matalan on Thursday!))


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