Friday, 31 December 2010
Chanel: Ad Campaign Spring/Summer 2011
Black Velvet
Dress Ronit Zilkha, Cardigan Topshop, Boots Topshop, Gloves Spartoo
This dress was on ebay last month as I wanted to sell it luckily it did not sell as I have found a new love for it. I love the depth of colour of the embroidered roses on the black velvet background it also looks great teamed with a piece of chunky knitwear I love how you can add knitwear to an evening dress and it automatically works for daytime. I took these pics last week when the snow was still around.
Wow we will soon be saying goodbye to 2010 and welcoming in 2011. I have work tomorrow so it is going to be a quiet one for me. What are you guys up too????
Happy New Year chickens have a good one xoxo
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Don't Look Back in Anger

And so we come to the end of another year. Am I sorry to say goodbye to 2010? No. Not in the slightest.
For me the year has been somewhat surreal, spending four months of it in hospital and changing more than I ever thought possible (both physically and mentally). I'm lucky, and oh so thankful to be here now, to wave goodbye to 2010 and beckon in a fresh start.
What this year has taught me:
- My friends and family really are the best. Massive thanks to them for sticking by me, I couldn't have done it without them.
- The kindess of strangers can be truly overwhelming. The support I recieved from fellow bloggers blew me away. Every e-mail, comment, text, letter, parcel (and in a couple of cases, visits) was, and always will be treasured.
Thank you. ALL of you.
- I am stronger and more capable than I ever realised.
- Life is not defined by numbers. Weighing X vs Y vs Z doesn't actually change what you feel in your head.
- My tights obsession knows no bounds.
- Red hair is FUN.
- There are some truly inspiring people in the world. And new friends are as valueable as old (this one's a shout out to the girls I met on the unit, I love you ALL...)
- Flash just gets cuter by the year.

I know I sound sappy and sentimental, but to everyone who reads and supports adaisychaindream,
who has provided an oppurtunity to try and wear things I otherwise wouldn't be able to,
who's left sweet comments, sound advice and general randomness,
Thank YOU.
Lets make 2011 count.
New BFFs in town - Part III
Where: "NOKJ" promos
photo credits:
Black done two ways
Where: Sets of "Jhalak Dikhla Ja"
photo credits:
Real Madrid Opens Training Session For 5,000 Fans (30 Dec 2010)
Yesterday training session was unusual, since around 5,000 fans could watch their idols working out closely at the Alfredo Di Stefano. Only 3 players absence, Dudek, Higuain, and Diarra. The last name was absent due to family problems.
The weathers was cold, but it didn't stop the fans enjoying their time watching, taking photographs, and cheering the players. Some of the lucky fans even got the autograph from the players.
The training started with the usual warming up, and afterwards, Mou split the players into 2 teams. Casillas, Arbeloa, Albiol, Ramos, Marcelo, Xabi, Lass, Özil, Kaka, Benzema and Pedro Leon to play at the combination formed by Adam, Mateos, Garay, Carvalho, Pepe, Gago, Khedira, Canales, Barn, Juanfran and Morata. On both sides, Cristiano Ronaldo and Di Maria played wild, always adding to the attack of the team that had possession of the ball.
Later there were four groups that play two simultaneous practice match, with only use half of the fields. The fans celebrated and applauded when the players scored, especially when Kaka scored. The fans applaused as they couldn't wait to see him get back on the pitch again.
Cristiano Ronaldo Training Pictures and Video With Real Madrid (30 December 2010)
Now it's more like it !! Kaka is back on training with the guys, and of course, his bromance partner, Cristiano .... This time, we get lots of pictures from the session. Go to the GALLERY for more pictures !!
Esprit: Ad Campaign Spring/Summer 2011
Spotted: Charo Ronquillo in US Glamour Magazine (November 2010)
My Turn
It has been super busy at work people have been shopping like crazy in the Christmas sales but yesterday the town was a little quieter and I actually managed to get a full lunch break so it was my time to have a shop I brought this stunning kimono from Topshop check it out here, the gorge tassel bag from Label Lab ohh and the necklace which was not in the sale from Dorothy Perkins they have awesome pieces of jewellery defo worth checking it out here.
I decided to buy bits that I can use in the summer too I am also into feathers at the moment I think they will give a cute boho twist to summer outfits. I am buying every kimono I can find I think they will look fab teamed with cut offs in the summer and I am relying on Toppers for some great ones.
I want to leave you with some inspirational pictures from the Topshop Christmas 2010 Campaign I find these images a great inspiration for my S/S wardrobe even though they are for winter.
Images from Marie Claire
Have you guys brought much in the sales??
Today is the day where I finalise my resolutions, go pottering and generally try not to dwell of the year that wasn't.
The snow we had on the ground has long gone, replaced with mist and dreary grey skies,
so I counteracted that with a bright outfit!
I love this dress, it was given to me by a friend and it always makes me happy. The different coloured spots means it lends itself well to many a colour tights, but green remains my favourite.
You can also better see the cardigan I bought on boxing day. I have lived in this since. I'm tempted to go back for the cream one too, though me and cream is just a disaster waiting to happen!
My only other sales buy so far is a gorgeous leopard print skirt from River Island which I plan to wear very soon!
Tomorrow = a look back at the year
Saturday = a lie in, and a resolutions post.
Are you ready to embrace 2011? What's been your high and low point of 2010?
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Sportmax: Ad Campaign Spring/Summer 2011
I'm With The Designer
Already proving popular, it is now being sold online at BIG CARTEL. I'M WITH THE DESIGNER will soon also be available in selected London boutique stores and other online stores.
Hayley Scott is a fellow blogger and the brains behind the brand, she got in touch with me to let me know her shop had launched today, and I thought I'd share the love. There is a lot more to come from this girl, so watch this space! My favourite picks so far...

1. I'm with the designer cotton tee, £12
2. Sugarpie Hunnybunch necklace, £15
3. Boss Lady necklace, £16
4. Fabulous Necklace, £10
Add I'm with the designer on Facebook and get 20% off for a limited time!
In the New Year expect a photo shoot and lookbook, too!
What do you think?