Sunday 20 March 2011

This one is for YOU

(photo from weheartit)

This week I have noticed more than ever a lot of people having a really tough time of things. This makes me sad...I want to reach out and fix everything for everyone, but I am only one person and I still have to work on fixing myself.

What I'd like to say is don't give up hope. No matter how bad/sad/utterly shite things are right now...brighter days are ahead. I wish I could promise when, and how it'll happen, but I can't...just trust me that those days ARE coming.

I was once a person so consumed in negativity that I couldn't imagine anything good happening to me at all,
and if it did...did I deserve it? I felt like I didn't...catch 22 circle of more negative thoughts.
Last year I dared to hope. Sure it took a long hard fight, but you know what? Every barrier broken...every glimmer of things changing for the better made me fight that bit harder. I remember being SO happy when I came home on my first day leave and I was able to walk up and down our stairs,
to most people that would be insignificant, but to me it meant the world.
Focus on the small Tesco would say, every little helps and you need to learn to walk before you can run.

(also from weheartit)

Some of you probably want to punch me right now, or think I'm just one big walking cliche,
but please...
do dare to hope and have dreams. The pay off is amazing. Once you start to believe things can and will get better, I think it becomes easier to make the steps needed.

Here are a few items on my Hit List and Shit List this week;

- Work
- My brother being home for the weekend and meeting his girlfriend (who is lovely, really lovely)
- SUNSHINE! These brighter days are making me act like a child
- Immature giggling fits, usually bought about by Sarah
- Amazing online friends, such as Char and Jodie who sent me this incredible parcel

- Interpol, they were bloody brilliant!
- Sparkly Jewellery (some seen yesterday and another awesome batch to be revealed this week!)

- Violent drunk guy at Interpol. This guy truly scared me. He was horrendously drunk and grabbed one girls hair, stomped on many feet and started several fights.
- Anxiety and Insecurity about how I look and needing constant reassurance (sorry tweety peeps you get the brunt of this)


(thank you for making me feel beautiful)

- Crappy support acts. The main talent was his arrogance and ego.
- Not having enough time to see everyone I was to see...Kez, Trudi and co...I MISS YOU

So there we have my jumbled up post for today.

What have you been up to this weekend?

How do you deal with the tough times?


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