Wednesday 24 February 2010


Hello, how is your week going? Same old same old here, so just a quick post with the usual outfits and this week's baked goods.

Yesterday was cold and snowy so not much went out. Outfit was literally a case of grabbing whatever was clean and hoping for the best.



Today much the same, no real thought went in to this as you can tell. The tights are new, I picked up this pair and a teal pair for £1 each in Ethel Austin on my brief trip out yesterday.



I've stopped counting how many pairs of tights I own now, it's getting ridiculous. I'll be needing rehab soon.

This week I've baked lemon and poppyseed muffins at my Mum's request. I used silicon cases in a mix of sizes, and we now have about 40 muffins to be eaten!



I'm pretty sure they wont be hanging around long, they smell incredible. There really is nothing like the smell of fresh baked goods in the house.


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