Saturday 1 January 2011

The Resolutions


It's been a long time since I allowed myself to make New Year Resolutions, partially because it seemed pointless, but mainly because I was afraid of failure.
This year I'm ready to re-embrace, failure or not. Goals are good.

1. Keep fighting and winning against the eating disorder.

2. Get back in to jogging/running, building strength up slowly.

3. Take better care of my skin, I'll be 24 this year, it's about bloody time I developed a proper skincare routine.

4. Stop procrastinating or talking myself out of things...what is the worst that could happen? (exception; when death or serious injury is a likely outcome!)

5. Throw myself in to work and take whatever opportunity comes my way.

6. Cook more. The freezer is great, but nothing beats a fresh, nourishing and home cooked meal.

7. Make more time for baking. Try new recipes.

8. And socialising.

9. Try new things, be it a craft, a food, a social event or even a style of clothing.

10. Get back to learning to drive.

Happy New Year lovely readers,
I hope you celebrated in style, aren't too hungover and are ready to embrace 2011!

Once again, thank you to each and every one of you for your support and encouragement. I'm hoping to try some new things with the blog this year so watch this space.

What are your resolutions?


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