Saturday 8 May 2010

imagination required

It's the weekend! We made it! What are your plans? Once I've made this post, I'm off to pay a visit to my grandparents...I love spending time with them and I'm lucky that they have always lived nearby.

I want to say a HUGE thank you to you all for your kind, thoughtful comments and e-mails regarding my visit to the unit.
It went...well? Not sure that's the right word! Everything feels very real now, and reading all your messages helped a lot.

It's hard to know when blogging just how much of your personal life to share, and it was certainly never my intention to drag my illness in to it when I first started this site. However, you can't ever predict something like this, and there is, right now, no hiding from the fact it has taken over damn near every aspect of my days...when it got to the point of people expressing concern, I made the decision to "come clean"
and it's times like yesterday...and now, when I need all the support I can get and you wonderful people come through with it by the bucket load that I'm confident I made the right choice.

People have asked about writing to me whilst I'm in there. I would love it if you wanted to, honestly, as although I'll have my laptop for DVDs and music, there is very bad internet connection, if any...and a break from the online world is probably very much needed
(though it'll pain me to put this blog on hiatus for what could be months).
So, if you'd like to write, then drop me an e-mail and I'll give you directions!

Enough with the deep stuff now
(sorry if I have bored you to death, I'll try and keep it to a minimum after this post)
Here's what I wore yesterday. A very spring-like outfit despite a serious amount of imagination being required to believe it is indeed spring outside.

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(this necklace was a birthday gift from a very special girl)

Have a wonderful weekend my loves,
next week will most likely bring an onslaught of last Saturday's purchases and a couple of reviews!


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