Wednesday 12 May 2010

Watching The World Go By...

I love seeing the look on people's faces when they ask me the secret to being creative. You see, for me, being creative always begins with the same routine and really, there's not much of a secret to it. Really! In fact, my secret to creativity simply involves  lying down on my comfy sofa and staring at a blank wall for a time. Doing nothing at all but just kicking back. Some of my best work has begun in such a fashion. The writing of my books for example, the designing of a house or two, the styling of a shoot. You see, the creative mind is a wonderful thing when it's allowed the space and the freedom to wander. When you give yourself the time to allow the world to just go right on by. Of course, it doesn't happen straight away. For the first few minutes my mind is racing with all the things that need doing - the long list of tasks that provide the framework for my life. But given time, all of that 'mental noise' melts away and in its place, beautiful creative thoughts come flooding in, catapulting around my mind like shooting stars. The trick, of course, is to have a pen and paper handy so that when you get a 'nugget' of an idea, you can write it down to ensure that it doesn't shoot in one ear and out the other! When you allow your mind some time out, and you retreat into your imagination - it's a wonder what it will do for you....

pic Anthropologie

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