Tuesday 9 March 2010

Marmite XO review

Long time readers of my blog will probably by now have noticed that I have a real addiction to a brown gooey substance called Marmite.
A couple of weeks ago I was flicking through a newspaper when I came across something that literally made me squeal;
Marmite were releasing a new, "extra old" variety of my true love. This new version, Marmite XO was officially released yesterday, but I was lucky enough to have a jar delivered to my door on Friday for review purposes.

Before I start my review, I'll give you the basics, as I know not everyone will be familiar with the wonder of this stuff.

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(left is the original marmite, right is new, marmite xo)

- "Marmite is dark brown-colored savory spread made from the yeast that is a by-product of the brewing industry. It has a very strong, slightly salty flavor. It is definitely a love-it-or-hate-it type of food." (definition from www.ilovemarmite.com)

- The love it or loathe it nature of marmite is something which divides Britain.

- The most common ways of eating marmite are; spread on buttered toast or crumpets, in a sandwich either with or without cheese; or on crackers.

- My favourite way to eat the original version is as a dip for raw vegetables, or with cream cheese on ryvita crackers.

- As a child my favourite party food was cheese and marmite pinwheels which are swirls of pastry spread with marmite and sprinkled with cheddar cheese. I can provide a recipe if you wish!

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As I mentioned above, yesterday marked the launch of Marmite XO in supermarkets (priced £3.99) and it is also available, with worldwide shipping from the official marmite website shop at £4.99

Described as "Using four specially selected yeast sources, our master blender has crafted the secret Marmite recipe and matured it for four times longer to create a Marmite so strong and full-bodied it can only be for the most devoted of lovers" could it really be better than the original? Or would it be too much for this devoted fan to handle?

As I've only had the jar since Friday I've not yet worked my way through all the ways I want to test this, but so far...SO IN LOVE
I first tried this straight off a spoon for the full effect. The familiar, addictive taste is there, but it is somehow more mature and perhaps a little less salty than it's milder companion.
Next up was the dip test. It fared well with my beloved vegetables, particually carrot sticks. I do love the sweet crunch mixed with the salty goodness.
Rice cakes, and ryvita and cream cheese were vastly improved by XO, as the stronger taste blended beautiful with the cool smoothness of the cheese and crunchy cracker.
I also, in a moment of pure genius, drizzled some on top of roasted butternut squash yesterday...JUST DO IT. NOW.

My list of things yet to do are:

- A tofu marinade (this works well with the original, so I'm hoping it'll be even better now)

- In a cheese and marmite toasted sandwich.

- Baked goods...cheese and marmite muffins, and a re-make of the old favourite pinwheels.

- Marmite and cucumber sandwich (another must try)

- I also plan to stir a spoonfull through some mashed potato, a childhood favourite with an adult kick.

I think it goes without saying that I have just made a new best friend

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Are you a lover or a hater?

Never tried marmite, would you like to, and do you think you'd like it?

Have you got your hands on this new wonder yet, or do you plan to, like NOW?

I want to hear all your crazy marmite stories guys. Mad combinations, recipe ideas and memories.
Or, if you must, share your hatred..just don't expect me to agree!


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