Thursday 25 March 2010

Nokia X6 comes with music + mini giveaway

Now, I'll preface this post by saying I am not the most technology savvy of people and until I was presented with this oppurtunity I was perfectly content with my faithful old Samsung phone that did everything I needed it to and more. Smartphones; be it the iphone, blackberry or latest release from anywhere really, always passed me by and I dismissed them, and the related gadgets as too complicated for my easily confused brain to handle.

This changed when Nokia and Comes with Music contacted me at the start of the year, coincidentally just as my valiant pink phone finally gave up the ghost. They offered me the Nokia X6 phone and subscription to Nokia Comes with Music and after initial hesitation (I don't blog for free stuff, I blog because I love to) I accepted, realising I'd be kicking myself for years to come if I let this pass me by.

So firstly, the phone...

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Slim, sleek and touch screen, this is far more advanced than anything I have ever owned before (including my laptop!) I had reservations about a phone with no key pad as such but the touch screen has proved simple to use, as is the phone in general with it's easy to navigate menu, and built in help guides.
It's great to finally be able to check e-mails on the go, and keep up with social networking (particually fab for reporting the status of the doctors waiting room it seems), it also means I am never behind on any important advances in my friends and fellow bloggers lives.
But, the main feature, and main appeal of this phone has to be the music player.

I hadn't actually heard of Nokia's music service before now
but again "Comes with Music" has opened my eyes to a whole new world.

I guess the easiest comparison to make would be to itunes, which I have used before. I genuinely prefer Nokia's offering though, it is easier to navigate and the downloads are very fast.
There is a huge range of music, set out in a clear and concise way; categorised with an excellent search function and a constantly updated new releases list to make sure you don't get behind.

Linking the music with the phone could not have been any easier. In fact you can download the software directly on to the phone; although I opted to keep it on my laptop and just transfer the music across (takes seconds!)

Basically, I'm a fan. A convert. Finally up to date in an ever changing world.

I realise this is perhaps a mish-mash to read (it's 6am as I write this) and that potentially you have no idea what it is I am wittering on about,
so, for my UK readers at least, I have a wonderful oppurtunity for you to test out the player for yourself; my music collection has never been more up to date!

Giveaway Time

Nokia and comes with music have kindly provided me with FIVE codes each good for 10 free downloads from the Nokia Music Store
This will of course involve downloading the software if you haven't already, but if I can manage it...then well...the rest of you can!

How to enter:
- open to UK readers only (sorry, I have another giveaway coming up!)
- the giveaway will run until Monday 29th March
- there will be five winners each getting a code for ten free tracks e-mailed to them
- to take part just leave a comment on this post saying "I want free music" and your e-mail address
- winners will be announced and contacted on Monday

(and anyone who doesn't want to/can't enter, give me music ideas, I need new stuff!)

Good luck,
and thanks for reading this post! I'll hopefully be sharing an outfit tomorrow...apologies for the scattered nature of my posting this week!


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